10" Carpet Scissor ( H-Duty )
Made In Italy
" My hands don't hurt with these."
Larry @ Rug Makers IL
- Nickel plated, Hardened Steel
- Thee most heavy duty carpet shear
- Hand sharpened blades
- Industry leading quality & sharpness
NC1000- The Industry's Best Carpet Scissor
“ The Stark Team loves all the new carpet scissors. Especially the NC1000. Now our team can cut faster and with much less hand fatigue“ Sharon @ Stark Carpet GA
" It's better than the Wiss W8BLT. Cuts h-duty carpet with less strain & fatigue." James Herme, J. Herbro Corp NJ
" My hands don't hurt when I use these. Great quality for sure. " Larry Stickle, Rug Makers IL
“The serrated edge makes it easy to cut through thick piles while the pointed tip
improves accuracy in tight corners.” - Kallan Schneider @ Pilatus Aircraft
" The carpet shear is fantatic." Gil Monge, Gillin Custom Design NY
Made In Italy By Premax
Easily the industry's most industrial and best rug and carpet cutting scissors for sale. 10" Professional heavy duty carpet cutting shears made with high quality hardened steel. Made with premium components in Italy, the shear's longevity and precision cutting are guaranteed. Sharpened by hand, these carpet shears have no peer. The ergonomic handle is fashioned in burnished steel which provides comfort and helps minimize strain and fatigue. Furthermore, the carpet scissor's serrated edge helps generate a firm grip on the carpet. Ideal For: Carpet scissor for custom rug workrooms, cutting auto mats, and cutting aircraft carpet. It's also employed for cutting thick leather, cutting belts, etc.
- 10" carpet scissor
- Nickel plated, Hardened steel with barnished handles
- Straight blade, Heavy duty carpet shear
- One standard edge + One serrated edge
- Also cuts belts, thick leathers, etc.
NC Model # NC1000
Premax Model # F16351000
Shop the best heavy duty carpet scissor for cutting carpet. NC Carpet Binding's heavy duty carpet shear is made with high quality steel and provides comfort while cutting rugs.